Practical Information

Currency: CZK  (Czech koruna or Czech crowns)

Exchange Rate: The European Central Bank:

Climate and Weather: online weather service from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)
Weather forecast for the Czech Republic from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute:,prec,v10mmslp,nebul,nebuldet,RH2m,veind?]

Time: GMT/UTC +1 hour

Important Phone Numbers:

  • Emergency calls: 112 (This number works throughout Europe and includes universal medical assistance, the Police, and the Fire Department. It may not work on older mobile telephones without SIM cards.)
  • Medical assistance: 155
  • Fire Department: 150
  • Police: 158
  • Municipal Police / Prague City Police 156 The Municipal Police have limited authority and resolve smaller, local problems.

For more information on first aid, hospitals, doctors, and other contacts you might need, go to the Expats website:

Public Transport:

Telephone: The international dialling code for the Czech Republic is +420 (00420)

Wi-Fi: Available in many restaurants, cafes, hotels and many other locations

Electricity: Voltage of 230 V and frequency of 50 Hz, plug sockets have two round holes and one round pin.

Opening Hours

Usual opening hours are Monday to Friday from 8 or 9 am to 6 pm.
Hypermarkets and shopping centres are usually open 7 days a week until 9 pm, often even on public holidays. Some shops and petrol stations operate almost nonstop.
Banks are open on weekdays during working hours. Busy branches in city centres are usually open later - for example, until 8 pm. Access to cash machines is ensured 24 hours a day.
Authorities: Monday and Wednesday are the standard office days for authorities, from 9 am to 5 pm. Some authorities provide services for the public on other days too, though offices are usually closed over lunch (usually from 12 noon to 1 pm).
Post Offices: are open from 8 am to 7 pm and in large cities you will find branches which are open almost nonstop.

Prague Highlights - Guides for download:

Essential Guide:

A Map of Monuments and Architecture:

List of embassies in the Czech Republic:


Lost and Found:
Karolíny Světlé 5, Prague 1
tel. + 420 224 235 085

open Mon and Wed 8:00 – 17:30, Tues and Thur 8:00 – 16:00, Fri 8:00 – 14:00


                        Hello! (Good day!) = Dobrý den!

                        Hi! = Ahoj!

                        Good bye! = Na shledanou!

                        Please. = Prosím.

                        Thank you. = Děkuji.

                        Yes. = Ano.

                        No. = Ne.

                        Entrance. = Vchod.

                        Exit. = Východ.

                        Open. = Otevřeno.

                        Closed. = Zavřeno.

                        No smoking. = Zákaz kouření./Kouření zakázáno.

                        bridge = most

                        castle = hrad

                        church = kostel

                        river = řeka

                        shop = obchod, prodejna

                        square = náměstí

                        station = nádraží

                        stop = stanice, zastávka

                        street = ulice

                        theatre = divadlo
